KP Glazing Ltd


Craven House
40-44 Uxbridge Rd
W5 2BS

Company number: 9403348

Get in touch

Office: 020 8656 5709
Mobile: 077 0684 2846

New Branch

Kp Glazing Ltd
13 Kelvin Business Ctr.
Crawley, RH10 9SF

Office: 012 9390 1938

Business Complaint Procedure: On receipt of your complaint the business aims to respond within 5 days. The business will arrange a convenient date to come and view and/or remedy the situation within 28 days. In the unlikely event the business is unable to resolve your complaint having exhausted the business complaints procedure, it may be necessary to use another complaint service. Where the business cannot resolve the complaint to your satisfaction and/or agree to the final resolution requests confirmed to us; and both parties agree a ‘deadlock’ has been reached, you can then escalate your complaint. The business has access to an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service for our domestic installation, service, repair and maintenance contracts as part of the Which? Trusted Traders Endorsement. If you choose to you can refer your complaint to Which? Trusted Traders’ Alternative Dispute Resolution. You will need to contact Which? Trusted Traders on 029 2267 0040 who can explain if you are eligible to use their Alternative Dispute Resolution.